The comprehensive CAS report is submitted to the International Labour Conference, where it is presented and discussed in plenary sitting in its closing days by the Reporter of the CAS. The two Vice-Chairpersons and the Chairperson make statements, following which delegates may make brief remarks on the report presented to the plenary.. The Government, Employers’ and Workers’ delegates thus have a final opportunity to present their perspective on standards-related obligations as well as the individual cases taken up in the CAS. The conclusions of the CAS – including conclusions in selected cases of particular importance set out in special paragraphs in “Part One” (General Report) of the CAS report – are normally adopted by the International Labour Conference in plenary. The CAS report and a record of the discussion in plenary is published on the ILO website in the Record of proceedings of the International Labour Conference.
In accordance with the established dialogue between the CAS and the CEACR, the latter examines the follow-up to the conclusions of the CAS on individual cases on the application of ratified Conventions.