Regular Supervision - Article 19

The CEACR report is issued

Governments examine the CEACR report and consider measures to fulfil standards-related obligations.

Governments examine the CEACR annual report and consider measures they can take to fulfil their standards-related obligations, i.e. obligations related to the application of ratified Conventions, the implementation of conclusions and recommendations made by other supervisory bodies, reporting and the submission of ILS to the competent authorities. Governments study comments made by the CEACR on Conventions they have ratified. They check if the CEACR has asked that they supply full particulars to the International Labour Conference which takes place in June, as this will require prior preparation. They look at challenges observed by the CEACR in respecting reporting obligations and other standards-related obligations under the ILO Constitution.

Contact may be taken within governmental departments and with the social partners to consider actions to substantively respond to CEACR comments. Substantive response implies action to change laws or practices to better meet obligations and/or study of the matter at hand to better engage in dialogue with the CEACR concerning the law and practice and their conformity with obligations.