Regular Supervision - Article 19

The International Labour Conference adopts new instruments

ILS are adopted by the International Labour Conference.

ILS are adopted by the International Labour Conference by a 2/3 majority vote. They take the form of Conventions or Protocols that are binding on member States when ratified, and Recommendations that give non-binding guidance. Protocols are used to partially revise existing Conventions and are open to ratification by member States already bound by or simultaneously ratifying and becoming bound by the Convention in question. Click to see a glossary with definitions of frequently used terms relating to ILS.
The timeline below shows the calendar of action for the adoption of ILS, following the double-discussion procedure. To know more about the standard-setting procedure, a flowchart presentation is also available.

  • The Governing Body considers the agenda of the International Labour Conference in year 4 and puts the topic on the agenda for standard-setting with a view to a double discussion.
  • In cases of special urgency or other special circumstances the Governing Body may decide to refer a standard-setting question to the International Labour Conference with a view to a single discussion.

The white report on law and practice, with the questionnaire on the content of the possible instrument, is made available on the ILO website in the page of the relevant session of the International Labour Conference.


States parties to Convention No. 144 hold effective consultations with the representative organizations of employers and workers on replies to the questionnaire.


Replies to the questionnaire are sent to the Office.

Employers’ and workers’ organizations wishing to transmit their replies directly to the Office send them.


The yellow report, with the responses to the questionnaire and the proposed conclusions, is made available on the ILO website in the page of the relevant session of the International Labour Conference.


Prepare for the first discussion at the International Labour Conference.

Prepare for the first discussion at the International Labour Conference.


First discussion of the proposed instrument at the International Labour Conference.

Participate in the work of the technical committee, as appropriate.

Participate in the work of the technical committee, as appropriate.


The brown report with the text of the proposed instrument, drafted on the basis of the first discussion at the International Labour Conference, is made available on the ILO website in the page of the relevant session of the International Labour Conference.

States parties to Convention No. 144 hold effective consultations with the representative organizations of employers and workers on the proposed text.


Comments on the draft instrument are sent to the Office.

Employers’ and workers’ organizations wishing to transmit their comments on the draft instrument directly to the Office send them.


The blue report with the revised text, in light of the comments received, is made available on the ILO website in the page of the relevant session of the International Labour Conference.


Prepare for the second discussion at the International Labour Conference.

Prepare for the second discussion at the International Labour Conference.


Second discussion of the proposed instrument at the International Labour Conference and adoption with a 2/3 majority.

Participate in the work of the technical committee, as appropriate, and vote in plenary.

Participate in the work of the technical committee, as appropriate, and vote in plenary.