Regular Supervision - Article 19

Governments submit new instruments to their competent authorities

Member States have an obligation to consider measures for implementing of ILS within 12 or, exceptionally, 18 months from their adoption by the International Labour Conference.

Under article 19, paragraphs 5-7, of the ILO Constitution, when instruments are adopted at a session of the International Labour Conference they are communicated to all member States for ratification in the case of Conventions, and for consideration with a view to giving effect to them in the case of Recommendations. In all cases, member States shall bring the newly adopted instruments to the authority or authorities within whose competence the matter lies for the enactment of legislation or other action. This is to be done as soon as possible, i.e. within one year or, in exceptional circumstances, no longer than 18 months from the closing of the International Labour Conference session in which the instrument was adopted.

Member States are also required to inform the Director-General, by sending a communication to the Office, about the submission to the competent national authorities within the prescribed time limits.

According to the established practice, the Office:

  • sends copies of newly adopted ILS to governments, immediately after the International Labour Conference adopts them;
  • sends copies of the same documents to the representative organizations of employers and workers;
  • addresses to all governments which have not supplied the information a letter of reminder, one year after the close of the session of the International Labour Conference at which the ILS were adopted; and
  • sends a further reminder, when 18 months have elapsed since the close of the relevant session of the International Labour Conference and the information has still not been supplied.

The list of ILS pending submission by each country is available in the NORMLEX database with country profiles.