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Category: Office

Office practice – September

The Office checks that the reports contain all the replies, information and documentation requested. If they do not, the Office will, without entering into the substance of the matter, ask governments to send them.

If the Office receives observations directly from employers’ and workers’ organizations, it acknowledges receipt and simultaneously forwards a copy to the government concerned, so that it might respond.

Office practice – March

Between the end of February and the beginning of March, the Office sends by email requests for (detailed/simplified) reports on ratified Conventions due the current year to governments. The communication includes the comments by the supervisory bodies for each Convention and an explanatory note.

In March, the Office sends by email copies of requests for reports on ratified Conventions due the current year to the representative organizations of employers and workers. The communication includes the comments by the supervisory bodies and a note concerning the contribution of employers’ and workers’ organizations to the supervision of the application of ILS.

Office practice – February

The report of the CEACR is published and made available on the ILO website.

Between the end of February and the beginning of March, the Office sends by email requests for (detailed/simplified) reports on ratified Conventions due that year to governments. The communication includes the comments by the supervisory bodies for each Convention and an explanatory note.