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Category: The International Labour Conference discusses and adopts the CAS report

The Employers’ group pursues discussion of matters of interest in plenary.

The Vice-Chairperson of the CAS representing the Employers’ group provides highlights of the proceedings in the CAS from the perspective of the group. Comments may be made, among other things, on individual cases that were discussed in the CAS, as well as cases that the Employers’ group would have liked to have had included among the cases discussed in the CAS. Broader standards-related issues may also be the subject of the employers’ statements. Other Employers’ delegates speaking on their own behalf may intervene prior to the adoption of the CAS report. Statements are sometimes directed to the government of the Employers’ delegate speaking, they may also be directed to other governments, the Workers’ group, or the Office. Statements are often made with a view to the follow-up to be given to the supervisory work in the International Labour Conference, by the CEACR and through other supervisory mechanisms.

Click to see a checklist tool helping social partners to consider possible actions before and during the International Labour Conference.


Governments discuss most important developments and give further information in plenary.

Government delegates to the International Labour Conference are free to intervene during discussion of the CAS report in the plenary session of the International Labour Conference. Their statements will be on behalf of their own government, and may as well be on behalf of other governments that have previously agreed to such an arrangement. Governments’ interventions often amplify or complement statements made or positions taken in the CAS, for example, on information provided in respect of an individual case. Interventions may address broader standards-related issues, such as reporting obligations or giving effect generally to particular Conventions.

The plenary offers governments a wider forum in which to express their views and attempt to influence listeners and readers. Since governments’ actions are the subject of most discussion in the CAS and the International Labour Conference plenary, great care is often taken in the preparation and presentation of statements made in plenary.

The standards-related work from the tripartite International Labour Conference meeting in June is passed on to the CEACR. Government are thus often interested in reviewing as soon as possible the CAS report and a record of the discussion in plenary, both of which are published on the ILO website in the Record of proceedings of the International Labour Conference. Click to see a checklist tool helping governments that have been called to provide information on an individual case on the application of a ratified Convention in the International Labour Conference.

The Workers’ group pursues discussion on matters of interest in plenary.

The Vice-Chairperson of the CAS representing the Workers’ group provides highlights of the proceedings in the CAS from the perspective of the group. Comments may be made, among other things, on individual cases that were discussed in the CAS, as well as cases that the Workers’ group would have liked to have had included among the cases discussed in the CAS. Broader standards-related issues may also be the subject of the workers’ statements. Other Workers’ delegates speaking on their own behalf may intervene prior to the adoption of the CAS report. Statements are sometimes directed to the government of the Workers’ delegate who is speaking, they may also be directed to other governments, the Employers’ group, or the Office. Statements are often made with a view to the follow-up to be given to the supervisory work in the International Labour Conference, by the CEACR and through other supervisory mechanisms.

Click to see a checklist tool helping social partners to consider possible actions before and during the International Labour Conference.

The full International Labour Conference discusses CAS report, highlighting most important developments, and adopts it. The CEACR examines the follow-up to the conclusions.

The comprehensive CAS report is submitted to the International Labour Conference, where it is presented and discussed in plenary sitting in its closing days by the Reporter of the CAS. The two Vice-Chairpersons and the Chairperson make statements, following which delegates may make brief remarks on the report presented to the plenary.. The Government, Employers’ and Workers’ delegates thus have a final opportunity to present their perspective on standards-related obligations as well as the individual cases taken up in the CAS. The conclusions of the CAS – including conclusions in selected cases of particular importance set out in special paragraphs in “Part One” (General Report) of the CAS report – are normally adopted by the International Labour Conference in plenary. The CAS report and a record of the discussion in plenary is published on the ILO website in the Record of proceedings of the International Labour Conference.

In accordance with the established dialogue between the CAS and the CEACR, the latter examines the follow-up to the conclusions of the CAS on individual cases on the application of ratified Conventions.