Employers and their organizations participate in the supervision of the obligation to submit newly adopted ILS.
Information on submission to the competent national authorities communicated to the Office is transmitted to the representative organizations of employers and workers, as required by article 23, paragraph 2, of the ILO Constitution. This fact – together with the names of the representative organizations of employers and workers to which the information has been transmitted and any observations received from them as to the effect given or to be given to the instruments submitted – should also be communicated by the government to the Office . This information is requested in the questionnaire included in the Memorandum of the Governing Body. Part VIII of the Memorandum and points VI and XI of the questionnaire are particularly relevant.
Employers, workers and their organizations are involved in the supervision by the CAS of the obligation to submit new instruments adopted by the International Labour Conference, when the “cases of serious failure by member States to respect their reporting and other standards-related obligations” under the ILO Constitution are discussed. The CAS identifies the cases for discussion on the basis of various criteria, including the following: no indication is available on whether steps have been taken to submit the instruments adopted during the last seven sessions of the International Labour Conference to the competent authorities, in accordance with article 19 of the ILO Constitution.